[Kanata] Hayasaka Ai (NSFW)

[Kanata] Hayasaka Ai (NSFW)

Byron wondered why he even bothered!!! After eight months of faithfully working out three times a week, he still weighed only 135 pounds and had arms that resembled spaghetti!!! “Okay,” he said under his breath, “let's see if we can do tonight!!!” Lying on his back, he hoisted the barbell into the air in an attempt to bench press ninety pounds, and almost instantly he realized that he was in trouble after he brought the bar down to his chest!!! Desperately he tried to heft the iron off of his body, but the more he struggled, the weaker he seemed to become!!! The first rule about bench pressing is to always use a spotter, and at that very moment Byron was discovering the wisdom of that particular idiom!!! He tried screaming for help, but the air had been forced from his lungs, leaving him in the very precarious position that he may suffocate in a room full of people!!! As unconsciousness began to overtake him, the bar miraculously was wrenched off chest and blessed air filled his burning lungs!!! After coughing for a second or two, he struggled to his feet to thank his savior, but much to his chagrin he was standing face to face with a woman!!! “Hey, dummy,” she said while shaking her head from side to side, “don't you know enough to use a spotter, you can get killed using free weights by yourself!!!” “If ya want to lift alone, use a machine,” she said while walking away!!! He chased after her and stuck his hand out and gushed, “Of course you're right, I just want to thank you, I was in real trouble back there, and by the way, my name's Byron!!!” She gave him a quick once over before breaking into a broad smile and taking his hand in her powerful hand and replying, “Well, I didn't mean to snap at you Byron, but I just didn't want to see you get hurt, come on over here, and spot for me, okay!?!” As she walked in front of him, Byron for the first time got a good look at her, and to say the least she was the most muscular woman he had ever seen in his life!!! While she wasn't pretty, she had a wholesome looking face with a solid Nordic features and a shock of blonde hair that was short enough not to need a comb!!! As she positioned herself under bar that contained at least two hundred pounds he offered in all seriousness, “I don't know if you should be trying this, I don't know how much I could help you if you got into trouble!!!” In a quick motion, the blonde giant grabbed the bar and let it down to her chest and replied, “No problem, Byron, this is an easy one for me,” and then proceeded to press the bar ten times quickly before returning it to the cradle!!! After five more sets, she sat up and toweled off her face and offered, “How about a soft drink, I'm buying!!!

They sat against the wall, sipped their diet colas, and talked while absentmindedly watching others work out! He found out that her name was Arianna, that everyone called her Ari for short, and that she had been working out for about five years! After taking a drink from his can of pop, Byron asked casually, “May I ask you a personal question!?! “Shoot,” she replied quickly!!! How much do you weigh, I've never seen a woman built like you!!!” She chuckled before answering and replied, “That's a compliment I hope, but to answer your question, I weigh 225 pounds, give or take a pound or two!!!” “Geesh,” he replied in awe, “I've been working out like a dog for over six months and still look like a bag of bones!!!” She put her hand on his arm and said softly, “Some people just have trouble building muscle mass, it has nothing to do with how much you work out, it's all physiological, kind of like you're preordained!!!” He was listening to her answer, but what he really was thinking about was the feeling that shot through him when she touched his arm, incredible!!!

With his pulse still racing, he stammered, “So tell me, Ari, does your husband or boy friend work out like you do, I mean, is he all bulked up and all!?!” When didn't answer, he quickly interjected, “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked such a personal question, please forgive me!!!” She touched his arm again, this time letting her hand linger as she replied, “No, it's okay, it's just that, well, I don't have a boy friend, no man in his right mind would ever want to date someone who looked like me!!!” Now turning to face her, he took her hand and replied, “You're kidding I hope, because you're about the most amazing woman I've ever met!!!” It was then that he first noticed that her eyes were glistening with tears, and he realized that she was really hurting inside!!! He leaned forward, gently kissing her cheek, and said, “Let's get showered and go have some coffee!!!”

“Two coffees,” Byron said to the waitress in the all night diner they found not far from the gym! Making an attempt at small talk, Ari commented that she had never been here, but that it had a lot of atmosphere! The waitress returned with their coffee, and then left the two of them alone in the back booth! Byron took a long drink, put his cup down, and said, “I know this is may sound crazy, and don't get upset, but I think that I'm in love with you!!!” The words hung in the air for what seemed like and eternity, until Ari replied softly, “I-I think I love you too!!!” Byron's head began spinning when he heard Ari's response to what he thought was an absolutely crazy admission, but incredibly, she felt the way he did!!! They sat in the booth for two hours just talking, trading information about one another, and trying to go slow, even though they were anxious to dive head long in!!! Outside the cafe next to their cars, they kissed under the light of a lamp post, not a sexy French kiss, but a sweet affectionate kiss that new lovers revel in!!! When they pulled apart, each could see it in the other's eyes, it was electric for both of them!!! This was Wednesday, so they traded phone numbers and made a date for Saturday evening!!! As each of them drove home, they were both positive of one thing, they had each found their soul mate!!!

It had been a marvelous evening, just some burgers and a movie, but it was better than the ballet and a five course meal at a fancy restaurant!!! It seemed that they were made for each other!!! The one thing that at first was a little disconcerting, was the number of stares Ari received because of her overly developed body, but after a while, Byron didn't even notice or care!!! Later that evening, in front of Ari's apartment building, the two of them sat in the front seat of Byron's car and necked like a couple of teenagers!!! After one particularly long kiss, Byron looked into her eyes and whispered, “I love you Arianna, just as sure as I can be, I love you!!!” She kissed him again, and then whispered back, “Come on up stairs for a while, I'll make some coffee!!!

Once inside of the apartment, Ari led him straight to her bedroom! “I thought you were going to make coffee,” he said with a twinkle in his eye!!!” “Shut up and kiss me,” she said as their mouths met in a passionate embrace!!! When they finally pulled apart she offered, “Well, I guess this is it, the moment of truth,” and slowly began removing her clothing!!! Byron watched in awe and fascination while Ari slipped out of her dress, revealing and incredibly muscled body in a thong bikini bottom and a lycra sports bra!!! “Okay,” she said softly, “your turn!!!” He turned three shades of red and stammered, “this is so embarrassing, I feel so, I don't know, inadequate, I guess!!!” “Why,” she replied, a little dumb founded, “you're normal, what do you have to be embarrassed about?!?” “Well,” he stumbled, “you know, it's just that I'm, well you know, not really that well built!!!” She smiled and laughed affectionately, “Don't worry, you're plenty of man for me,” and then proceeded to help him remove his sweater, under shirt, and trousers!!! The incongruity of it all hit them together, that of her being the huge muscled one and him being the proverbial 98 pound weakling!!! “We do look like an unlikely pair, don't we,” she said lightly?!? With the ice broken he replied, “Like Mutt and Jeff!!!” She looked him in the eye and asked softly, “Byron, can you take off my bra and panties for me, please?!?” He made an audible gulping sound in his throat, but with shaking hands, slipped the tight fitting bra over her head!!! Her chest was like none he had ever seen in person or in photographs, and he sucked in his breath while trying to contain himself!!! “T-they're beautiful, Ari,” he whispered, “I can't believe how lucky I am!!!” “D-do you really like them,” she said in almost a pleading voice, “most men find them very unattractive!!!” “My god,” he groaned, “they're unreal, m-may I touch them?!?” She took in a deep breath which seemed to expand her chest even more, and whispered, “Please, I want you to feel them, they're yours!!!” What made her boobs so unusual, was that her breasts were pulled tight against her chest do to her massive muscle development, while her nipples stood out erect and proud, almost begging to be sucked!!! At his first touch the air whistled out of her, and she involuntarily pressed forward, encouraging his mammalian exploration!!! Seeing her positive reaction, Byron leaned down and took a hard nipple into his mouth, resulting in a loud moan from deep inside Ari's throat!!! Growing bolder, he continued sucking, but let his hand slip to her crotch where began feeling her mound through her skimpy panties!!! Between pants she begged, “I want you now, please take me!!!”

After gently pushing her back down on the bed, he casually reached out and tugged the tiny nylon thong off of Ari's hips!!! Now it was his turn to suck in his breath, because right before his very eyes was the most succulent pussy he had ever seen, which was shaved completely bare, with lips bulging out obscenely, practically begging to be licked or fucked!!! He kicked of his boxers, exposing his erection to her eyes for the first time!!! He wasn't hung like King Kong, but his six inches was certainly adequate, especially to a woman who hadn't been fucked in over three years!!! He mounted her quickly, his penis immediately finding her entrance as if it were drawn by a powerful magnet!!! He kept saying to himself to go slow, but in his excitement that was a hopeless ideal, so in one hard thrust he buried it deep into her wetness, a union between two people who both felt like this moment would never happen to them!!! As hard as her body was, her pussy was just that soft, enveloping him, coaxing the seed out of his erection in waves of spurting cum!!!

In the end, size didn't matter, he was a man and she a woman, and each performed their role like countless other couples around the world at that very moment!!! She out weighed him almost two to one, and in terms of strength, it wasn't even close, but when it came time, he took her and made her his own, and that's how it began, for these two disparate lovers!!!

THE END. [Tsujigiri Onsen] Onyoku Burabura Shounen… .

Hentai: [Kanata] Hayasaka Ai (NSFW)

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